Manhattan Project: Salvation or Destruction?

Process Paper

I chose the Manhattan project because I have always been interested in military history.  The Manhattan project was a major turning point in weapons technology.  You didn't need hundreds of bombers to destroy everything.  All you needed was one of these devices.                  
I had many sources of information for my project.  I read a very good book that told me a lot about what kind of damage the bomb did.  It was called Hiroshima by John Hersey.  It had first hand accounts from five Japanese civilians and one German Jesuit priest.  The book included what they were thinking and doing when the bomb went off.  

I have also been watching a mini-series called The Pacific.  I learned about how bad the conditions were in the Pacific campaign.  Men went crazy, vehicles got bogged down, supplies couldn't get to the soldiers.  They couldn't even get the wounded to safety.   

I was originally thinking of doing an exhibit but decided not to.  Then I thought about how I liked to make websites and posters online.  So I decided to do a website.  I was always good at using technology like this and making interesting titles and phrases. 

My project relates to the theme for one main reason.  The reason is that there was debate about whether we should have or shouldn't have dropped the bombs.  There are many good points on each side that do make sense.  Of the people that were for dropping the bomb, most said that the bomb saved thousands of Allied lives.  Another person that was against dropping the bomb said they stole thousands of civilians lives.