Manhattan Project: Salvation or Destruction?

Albert Einstein's Role In The Manhattan Project

The main reason that the Manhattan Project was established was because Albert Einstein brought to the attention of Franklin D. Roosevelt that the Nazis were creating an atomic weapon.  The Einstein Letter discussed the large amounts of power that could be released by a chain reaction.

The Manhattan Project

The Manhattan Project was a top secret plan that the United States had come up with at the beginning of World War II (1939-1945).  This consisted of the plan to make an atomic weapon and was officially active from 1942 to 1946.  It took three years to perfect these super weapons.  

This project was so secret that not even as Vice President did Harry S. Truman know about it.  He only learned after becoming President, a few weeks before the bombs were dropped.  That was when he authorized the use of the bombs on Japan.  

In all, the entire project cost over 20 billion dollars.  

Robert Oppenheimer

J. Robert Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904.  From an early age, he was interested in technology.  
He was one of the few people who had experience and was chosen to lead the Manhattan Project.  He was the main person who came up with the idea for the way the bombs worked.  

He died on February 18, 1967 of throat cancer and tumors.

Click here for his reflections on the first atomic test.